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TCD Beer Club

Rock Your Next Party with these Beer Games!

Updated: Feb 17, 2019

Yes, we know that you’ve come across the famous BEER PONG, but BEER GAMES go way beyond that and we here at the Trinity Beer Club are here to tell you all about it. The most amazing thing about drinking games is that they can be as random and as spontaneous as anything. You could have a Movie drinking game where each time a particular dialogue is spoken, you drink. Yes, we know you love beer and movies, but this game is not for the faint hearted :P. We’ve shortlisted some of the amazing games which will definitely set the tempo for the party. Here they are:

Never Have I Ever

CLASIC!! This game never fails to impress. Start by saying “Never Have I Ever…” and end the sentence with the most embarrassing/fun line. For Example, Never Have I Ever sit for an exam hungover. If this is true for anyone in the group, they will drink. This game is suitable for both small and big groups and you’ll get to know the most scandalous facts about your friends.

Friend Or Foe

This game is infamous for both bonding and breaking friendships. This game can surely ruffle your feathers. Sounds adventurous? For this game, you’ll need a pack of cards. Distribute the cards evenly among all the players. Everyone must keep their cards hidden. One player starts by picking a card and putting it on the table while calling out one name from the group. The called out person then has to drink for as many seconds as the number on the card (Suits and colour are Irrelevant). However, there is one TWIST! If anyone else in the group has a same numbered card, they can save the CHOSEN person and pass the drinking on someone else. Gain a Friend or make an Enemy, You Decide!

Most Likely To…

Randomness at its best. One of the players starts by saying a SPICY sentence, and then everyone has to point at the person who’s most likely to do that. That person has to drink.

For Example: Who’s Most likely to have peed in a pool? Or Who’s most likely to get sloshed tonight?. This is a great way to see what people think about you ;)

Want to learn more about BEER GAMES? Check out Picolo, a drinking game app that can set the tone right for your BEER Night ;)

We at the Trinity Beer Club promote Safe Drinking. This post is only meant for people above the legal drinking age. Drink Safely and Responsibly.

Enjoy Your Beer


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