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TCD Beer Club

Beers for the newbies. What should you start your beer-journey with?

Updated: Feb 18, 2019

When I started my journey as a student in 2012, one of the first things I noticed was the big “beer culture”. With a very (!) limited and small wallet I was on a very limited budget, and in Norway, alcohol is anything but cheap. Beer on the other hand, is the cheaper, lighter and more “friendly” option. I quickly understood that this was a wagon than I also needed to jump on.

With an ocean of different flavours to choose from, how do you choose the right beer for you?

But beer is not for everyone, and it was something that my tastebuds certainly did not enjoy the first few months. I thought the taste was bitter and not particularly good. Being Scandinavian, the only correct beer to start drinking was the typical beers with the classical beer flavour. Which was, in my opinion, plain and boring.

Months went by, and I spent a considerable amount of times trying to like the average beer. Little did i know about the colourful and exciting world of beer existing.

It wasn’t before I moved to Brussels, Belgium my true love for beer saw the light of the day.

I was exposed and introduced to beers of all types of flavours, and I quickly understood what I had been missing out on. By experiencing lighter beers with added flavours like citruses, my beer experiences became increasingly enjoyable – and now I have joined the beer society of TCD. Who would have thought a previous beer-hater would? Certainly not me.

Therefore I will share with you my top 5 beers for people new to the beer universe, and hopefully shorten your way to enjoyment and finding your first favourite!

Here is my list:

4. Tequila Beer The Tequila flavour covers most over the beer taste, and makes the beer experience a little bit easier. NB: Do not drink too many of this one. Your stomach will not love you for it.

3. Fruity Beer An ocean of different flavours to pick from. Often tastes like a bitter cider, but a very good way to get your tastebuds used to the hint of beer-flavour. Cherry is my go-to!

2. IPA´s. Indian Pale Ale has a distinct taste, but in my opinion they often better than regular beer. It is very bitter, and comes in many different tastes. My favorite in this section is any kind from the Sierra Nevada brand.

1. 1664 Kronenbourg Blanc My all-time favourite beer. This wheet-beer turns every sip into a French pleasure. With the taste of citrus, it does not feel as if you are actually drinking a beer. TRY IT!!

Dont forget to sign up for our weekley newsletter! On the 4th of March, we will have a beginners night, were we have a taste of the mentioned beers above. Make sure to save yourself a seat.

- Charlotte

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